Sazka Group’s Allwyn, an international lottery company, has selected Vodafone as its telecommunications partner for its bid to operate the United Kingdom’s fourth National Lottery license.

Allwyn contends that Vodafone’s proficiency in network connectivity, especially in cutting-edge areas like the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G, will substantially improve the National Lottery experience for participants throughout the UK. They stress that these technologies will be vital in reinforcing player safeguards and will enable them to incorporate new functionalities to satisfy changing consumer demands.

The Chairman of Allwyn’s bid, Sir Keith Mills, declared, “The Sazka Group’s Allwyn is driven by the mission to develop superior lotteries that generate greater contributions to charitable endeavors. We accomplish this by infusing excitement and dynamism into overlooked lotteries, always prioritizing the player to guarantee sustainable expansion and ultimately, increased funding for worthy causes.”

He continued, “With a forward-thinking partner in Vodafone, a highly seasoned leadership team at Sazka Group, and a robust Advisory Board featuring figures such as Justin King and Brent Hoberman, Allwyn is constructing a compelling proposal for the UK market.”

The UK Gambling Commission launched the competitive process for the fourth National Lottery license in August 2020, with the existing license scheduled to conclude in 2023. The recipient of the fourth license will hold it for a decade.

For over 30 years, Vodafone has maintained a leading position in UK connectivity. Our dedication to enhancing the customer journey drives our enthusiasm for the capabilities of our 4G and 5G infrastructure, alongside our efforts in the Internet of Things and landline offerings. We leverage these technologies to ensure a seamless and dependable experience for our users, whether they are browsing the internet, visiting our retail locations, or utilizing our mobile applications.”

Blog of Author

By Peyton "Pepper" Bowman

Holding a Master's degree in Mathematical Logic and a Bachelor's in Philosophy, this versatile author has a deep appreciation for the logical and philosophical foundations of probability and their role in shaping the epistemological and ethical dimensions of gambling. They have expertise in modal logic, philosophy of probability, and decision theory, which they apply to the analysis of the logical and philosophical aspects of gambling reasoning and the development of strategies to promote rational and ethical decision-making in gambling contexts. Their articles and reviews provide readers with a logical and philosophical perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to enhance the rationality and morality of gambling practices.

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