Azerion and MediaMath are teaming up to establish a sizable, comprehensive hub for in-game advertising, akin to a “Walmart meets Amazon” but specifically tailored for the gaming realm.

This alliance empowers brands and advertising agencies to connect with Azerion’s vast user base, extending their reach across Azerion’s proprietary platforms and MediaMath’s expansive network.

The significance of this development lies in the fact that gaming commands a substantial portion of our mobile screen time, averaging 4.2 hours daily, as highlighted by Azerion. The gaming sphere provides a secure and captivating setting where individuals are genuinely receptive to advertisements, thereby amplifying their effectiveness.

Through this joint effort, MediaMath’s clientele will gain entry to Azerion’s wealth of gaming inventory.

“Gaming is deeply ingrained in our DNA at Azerion,” remarks Sebastiaan Moesman, Chief Revenue Officer at Azerion. “Forging connections between brands and consumers while they are engaged in leisure activities not only enhances the gaming experience but also enables brands to cultivate relationships with a highly attentive audience. Whether it’s through rewarding users for viewing ads or seamlessly weaving brands into the gameplay, we firmly believe there’s immense potential for brands to engage with their desired audience in a more impactful manner.”

This collaboration empowers MediaMath’s customers to promote their products within video games leveraging Azerion’s technology. Picture advertisements in digital racing circuits, lively urban environments, or even surrounding virtual arenas – that’s the level of visibility being discussed.

MediaMath’s Chief Partnership Officer, Laurent Cordier, highlighted their dedication to advancement and customer assistance, citing this alliance with Azerion in the gaming realm as a perfect illustration.

The video game market presents a distinct advantage for accurate demographic targeting. By merging Azerion’s gaming inventory with MediaMath’s open ecosystem, companies can attain heightened triumph across both novel and established avenues.

This holds particular promise for businesses in the gaming, wagering, and leisure sectors, as it offers a potent method to connect with their desired audience and realize their promotional objectives.

Blog of Author

By Peyton "Pepper" Bowman

Holding a Master's degree in Mathematical Logic and a Bachelor's in Philosophy, this versatile author has a deep appreciation for the logical and philosophical foundations of probability and their role in shaping the epistemological and ethical dimensions of gambling. They have expertise in modal logic, philosophy of probability, and decision theory, which they apply to the analysis of the logical and philosophical aspects of gambling reasoning and the development of strategies to promote rational and ethical decision-making in gambling contexts. Their articles and reviews provide readers with a logical and philosophical perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to enhance the rationality and morality of gambling practices.

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